Monday, June 30, 2008

ttachments enclosed of commutations with leaders. I think I met some of you at the parade this weekend, when I was working the VIP setup area. I was a privilege to march ( and work and be of service as event staff) sober for the first time, in a pride parade in San Francisco.

Ben from the Transgender law center suggested I contact you.

To whom it may concern:

I am interested in getting more involved as I am able with the GLBT community and change; I have experienced first hand decimation, and other factors. I want to make change, but mediate and brain storm with city leaders, I think it would be good to have a unbiased 3rd party repezendinting both of our interests.

I have been in talks with the City's whistle blower, and Police commission and MUNI via some concerns as I have others. I also am being honest and open about my past, past actions, mis deeds I did because of looking the other way.

I want to fight for change from harassment, denial, or decimation with non-profits working for the city, Police, Law enforcement, I became a drunk in the past, committed various past transgressions due to brutally and denial of services, I have my moments, where I don't work my program or always do the right, I am also willing to bend the law and rules a bit

I would like you to mediate on my behalf and meet to discuss concerns with

1.) Health department

2.) Law Enforcement

3.) Local Businesses and 501(c)3 non profits.

4.) Healthcare

5.) Shelters

6.) Assistance programs

7.) Transgender / sexual orntation training on the diversity of trans folks

8.) Training on laws, and compliance issues



I would like to meet someplace nutria while I have officially filed some complaints, I don't want to paint a target on my back like a bull with retaliation, I want to try to lobby and change policies, and procudruesand training, and possibly in the process weed out the bad apples on the tree

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Sole Proprietor Media Group
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website)
mlgaetjens-yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038- aim/aol messenger

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Date: Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Fwd: 304926 and SFPD complaint /

I have attempted to make some contact regarding a few incidents, of misconduct by SFPD, I called to report an attempted mugging in Jan 2008, and was disrespected and questioned and suggested by MUNI and SFPD on 3 prior occasions that I was whoring myself out.

I wish to set up a meeting with the police commission and mun police to discuss these grave concerns, I came back to my birthplace of California, and if public servants are not willing to enforce the law as ethically required to as under the law, its very hateful, and does not give law enforcement.

Law Enforcement which due to ethics issues is supposed in the eyes of Justice to remain unbiased in the justice they serve, regardless of personal viewpoints they are after all civil servants.

City agency's, contractors, which get city funding just trying to survive to start her life over, since Jan 2008 I have been denied equal treatment and been discriminated against been suggested that sir mama, I have been physically assaulted just for being Transgender, I do not drink, use drugs, nor have I ever prostitute myself, I am highly intelligent,

I have ties to the area, I was born In Almeda county in 1981, It has been suggested that due to documentation issues, or that I was unwelcome and should move back to Texas where I came out and started my transition, its been suggested that I am a man and Carnot be raped, or that I do this to myself, I need to deepen my voice, and I choose this, it has been questioned due my name or accent, by Local Law Enforcement , City workers, or city contract workers that Its my fault

I am presently being abused, and if this is the best America has to offer, I am trying to start over, make a new life for myself,

I would like to set up an appointment to discuss this matter

(713) 578-0016 - Mobile phone (415) -659-8215 / MCINNISLEEGAETJENS@GMAIL.COM

I'm not an Angel, I used to drink, and get in minor souffles, I got sober, and started over and moved on with my life, If you desire to run a check on me. I bring drank because I was abused, law enforcement and the system failed me, and I had a death wish, I all most ac hived that in 2007, I had a spiritual awaking, I am growing inpatient of slipping through the cracks, and want to talk but I am afraid of retaliation.

I paid my debit, moved on which you are welcome to inquire about, I would like to talk to Teresa spark(s) or a agent of hers.

youu can check TX DL #23861246
McInnis Lee Gaetjens / Leigh McInnis Gaetjens (soon) here
Texas Truck 07SFN3
for most of my life I am and have been a law obeying individual, I have zero felony's, no DUI(s) , no drug

I am composing this message because I am afraid, the system failed me before, and I also made bad choices binging in 2006, its not my nature to ask for help when discriminated due to gender identity, or sexual identity which I have been here, I'm pretty tough, but I know you cant win all the battles.

I made bad choices, in 2006 I paid my debits and moved on, I came out there, and dealt with my homophobia, and trans-phobia and started drinking. I am being abused now, and I don't trust many individuals.

I became sober July 13, 2007, I don't all ways work the best program, I go to meetings, and awake around 2am, and go to bed between 8 and 10pm. I am discriminated due to being homeless, being in shelters, and the fact I don't drink or use and refuse to live in a crack house hotel. I desire to work, and live someplace safe.

I allowed due to my drinking and poor choices, my life to stack up between late 2005- and 2007

I have lived in San Francisco (my father does too we don't speak) as of Jan 6, 2008.

I do want to meet to discuss the widespread concerns of discrimination.

I look forward toward corresponding with you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 2:17 PM
Subject: Fwd: 304926 / Internal Affairs

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: De Leon, Elvira
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:33 PM
Subject: 304926

June 11, 2008

Leigh Gaetjens McInnis

Post Office Box 425081

San Francisco, CA 94142


Thursday, May 29, 2008
This is to Inform MUNI /MTA / DPT that Prior reporting an ongoing
series incident(s) and of assault on me, and gender decimation, sexual
orientation discrimination, and Gender Identity Discrimination by your
agents, MUNI Municipal Enforcement Officers (DPT).

Documented Incident #1
On May 15, 2008 assaulted, and threatened by an individual that
appeared to me intoxicated when I bored your Train at church station
with a large laundry bag, I was very hot 96 degrees with a Higher Heat
The trains were delayed, I boarded a two car TT inbounded and was
stuck for a while between Church Station and Van Ness station. During
this time a white male older touched me in an inapropate sexual
manner, put his fist to my face, and I was very tired from the heat
and moving the laundry bag.
Two Passengers interveianed, the man reeked of drinking. I exited the
station given the days there were two MUNI "Municipal Enforcement
Officers" there checking for proof of payment. I told them what
happened, they referred me to the station agent near the south side of
Vanes Avenue, close to the Honda Car Dealership where he attempted
more than 3 times to have the MUNI "Enforcement / safety officers"
come over they were less than 20 feet away at the staircase near the
mentioned ticket agent.

The agent was older Asian, male short, small in his (40s) gray hair.,
the officer(2) were black African American female's one small,
(medium high it) one heavy set (short) in their 20s-30s

prior to the above incident I used to ride underground in the MUNI
metro, I have been when showing proof of payment referred to as sir, I
am a transgender woman, I live as such, I also have had some cosmetic
work, amongst other things. Your MUNI officers and some station
agents refer to me as "sir" I demand that it stop as it is gender
discrimination under the city of san Francisco and the state of
California Discrimination law against, gender identity, sexual

I am afraid for my life to ride underground, being tall, but very
small and petite. As apparently, the law does not apply to everyone,
and your officers also I have witnessed and smelled drinking on their
breath as I mention in the following incident, this has been ongoing
from Jan 2008 when I relocated to San Francisco.

After the first incident I called 311 and made a MUNI complaint, I
made another one on line, this is written documented evidence, and I
demand a Full Investigation

Documented Insidant #2

In powell station the same week as Insandt number listeed above, I was
and have been continued to be addressed as Sir, SHIM< Shemale, by one
of your MUNI Police officers, who has made homophobic, and transphobic
jokes, reaks of booze, drinks on the job, and Have personalty
witnessed assult a verbally combative individual on METRO / Muni

This person is a black male older gray hair, aferican American who
glasses, white hair, and a shor younger aferican American female, I
did take some vigilante justice as mentioned in my prior report to 311

Insidant #3

In Jan 2008 I called SFPD due to being assaulted by a knife, in the
western addition from mobile phone number 713-578-0016 it was around
the 18th (unsure of excat date)

It was suggested, that I was the problem and should leave the city,
your officers cuffed and searched me, and suggested that Ieave the
city, the kinffe and ssult was covered up and dropped by a older white
gray hair police officer, with beer belly


I am not a angel, though I've been good most of your life, I came here
for a fresh start I am native to alameda county, the TransPhobia, and
lack of enforcement disgusts me, I don't have equal rights, or equity,
nor am I given the same rights which I have, and am entailed to.

Dear Leigh Gaetjens McInnis:

Thank you for your report regarding an incident on the T-Third Street
line on May 16, 2008.

Your report was forwarded to George Louie, Green Division
Superintendent and to the San Francisco Police Department, MUNI
Transit Police Detail, for their information and appropriate action.

We appreciate your notifying MUNI of criminal activities or incidents
on board our buses as it allows us to take preventative action.
MUNI's primary goal is to provide safe transportation to our riders.


Maria Williams

Manager, Passenger Services

SF Municipal Railway

Reference #: 304926

SRN #: 215892

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Sole Proprietor Media Group
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website)
mlgaetjens-yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038- aim/aol messenger

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Sole Proprietor Media Group
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website)
mlgaetjens-yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038- aim/aol messenger

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Sole Proprietor Media Group
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website)
mlgaetjens-yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038- aim/aol messenger

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Sole Proprietor Media Group
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website)
mlgaetjens-yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038- aim/aol messenger
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